Our Board of Directors has appointed new Chairs for our Task Force Competitive Funding and Task Force Human Resources and a new Co-Chair for our Task Force Open Science. They will take office as of 1 January 2021.
The Board of Directors on 15 October appointed:
- Simone Rehm (Vice Rector for Information Technology at University of Stuttgart) as Co-Chair of the Task Force Open Science together with Karel Luyben (Rector Magnificus emeritus of TU Delft) (continuing Co-Chair);
- Wendy Sonneveld (Senior Policy Advisor European Affairs at Ghent University) as Chair of the Task Force Competitive Funding;
- Anna Steiger (Vice Rector Human Resources and Gender at TU Wien) as Chair of the Task Force Human Resources.
The Board expressed its highest appreciation and gratitude to the outgoing Chair of Task Force Human Resources Doris Klee (RWTH Aachen), the outgoing Chair of Task Force Competitive Funding Olivier Küttel (EPFL) and the outgoing Co-Chair of Task Force Open Science Wilma van Wezenbeek (TU Delft) for their excellent leadership, efforts and engagement with our association.
The appointments of these three highly qualified and motivated candidates contributes significantly to achieving gender parity in the leadership of our bodies as foreseen under the Work Plan from 2020 to 2021.