Focus on fairness and transparency in THE World University Rankings

Our input on Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 3.0 intends to help ensure that the ranking approach evolves with a focus on fairness, integrity and transparency.
18th May 2020
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With the letter addressed to THE, the leading universities of science and technology united within CESAER welcome the new development of World University Rankings and confirm the continued commitment of our Members and association to support this work.

Moreover, we put forward the feedback and recommendations developed by the experts from our Task Force Benchmark. Our input contributes to the discussions at THE on potential changes in rankings methodology and addresses five specific areas:

  • Citations;
  • Surveys;
  • Subject normalisation;
  • Industry collaboration and
  • Supportiveness and openness of the rankers.

Please find the full letter here.

THE describes World University Rankings as the largest and most diverse university rankings. The latest edition, published earlier this year, included almost 1,400 universities across 92 countries.

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